Agency: DDB Health | 4A's Maip Internship
The Ask: Lyfta needs a digital campaign for their Dyslexia study.
The Challenges: Approximately 10% of the United States population grapples with dyslexia, a learning disability primarily affecting reading skills. However, dyslexia can also impede other essential abilities such as reading comprehension, writing, spelling, and mathematics. How might innovative technologies like Virtual Reality be leveraged to empower individuals with dyslexia, paving the way for a more promising future?
The Big Idea: My concept was straightforward: develop a visual campaign illustrating how individuals with dyslexia perceive the world (with broken words) compared to the information they receive when using a VR headset in this study. The font utilized is "Open Dyslexia," specifically designed for people with dyslexia. Red, blue, and yellow colors were chosen to symbolize the primary colors often introduced to children in their early school years. All the visuals presented below have been carefully illustrated and designed.
My Role: Art Direction & Graphic Designer